Justice system in need of reform

THE EDITOR: I am in total agreement with the Opposition Leader that the criminal justice system in TT is definitely in need of reform. The crime situation is out of control because the criminal and civil justice system is in a mess. It is therefore clear that a ministry of justice is needed.
As a practising attorney, both in the criminal and civil courts, I welcome the plans UNC to reform the justice system. I believe that a comprehensive review of all criminal laws ought to be done as there are many obsolete laws that are oppressive to a free, democratic society, or cause unnecessary bureaucracy.
The categorising of the offences of murder and rape into first degree and second degree is definitely needed, as obtains in many First World and developing nations. This can even assist with determining many matters now before the court.
I fully support the raising of the legal age for marijuana use and gambling to 25 years and older, as many people before the courts for such offences are under the age of 25. Too many young people are ending up in court court and this introduction of the age limit will ensure we have a better society.
The idea of increasing the number of functional courtrooms is much appreciated as we are definitely in need of more courts. I agree with the Opposition Leader that there is a deficit.
I also agree that each High Court judge must have a designated courtroom to ensure they can sit every day. And more courtrooms need to be provided in highly populated areas outside the capital, such as Chaguanas, Rio Claro, Sangre Grande and Diego Martin.
Further, the DPP's and the public defenders' offices are in need of personnel and better conditions and salaries so staff are encouraged to stay.
One way these can be implemented would be to have a specific justice ministry focusing on improving the justice system. There was in fact such a ministry under the People's Partnership led by Kamla Persad-Bissessar.
It is clear that the only way we can have a proper justice system is by the removal of this Government as it does not have the political will to bring back a justice ministry. Therefore, I say call the election now.
legal officer
UNC executive
"Justice system in need of reform"