Good story well told
![Calypso Rose - Mark Lyndersay](
THE EDITOR: It all came together perfectly. A well thought-out and creative script, sensitive directing, imaginative choreography, costume design.
All the elements of good theatre were intricately woven into Rhoma Spencer’s interpretation of the Calypso Rose story.
The title, Queen of the Road, comes from one of her huge hits. No wonder then that a jam-packed Central Bank auditorium was predisposed to embrace the ambiance enshrined in Spencer's clever direction.
Audience participation flowed naturally. We were seamlessly transported through all the stages of the calypsonian's personal and professional growth, and charmed by her eccentricity; so absorbed by the storytelling that at times the audience appeared not to make a distinction between a theatrical performance and a live show. Just stopping short of calling for an encore.
Spencer's journey into the life and times of Calypso Rose took nothing for granted. She ensured that we, her audience, were transported through every stage in the journey of our treasured calypso queen. Physically and metaphorically.
From her embrace of her African roots, her Tobago childhood and the move to Trinidad through the personal ambition and wanderlust that took her across the Caribbean, Central and North America and Europe.
But the trip that Spencer took us on went beyond country borders. We travelled into the imagination, the motivation and the philosophical ethos of Calypso Rose. We were nudged to embrace her feminism, her intolerance for religious hypocrisy, her daring to be herself.
Queen of the Road is a fine piece of storytelling and creative theatre. It deserves more than a short run. Sold-out audiences make the best case for repeat performances.
As imposters abound, ready to claim ownership of our brand of calypso, steelband and de people mas, we need the pen of talented artists like Rhoma Spencer to help us speak and preserve our truths.
Congratulations to all involved. Your passion and hard work were evident.
St James
"Good story well told"