Crime, death all country knows

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THE EDITOR: I am writing at the point where we recorded no less than ten murders over the weekend. In one incident, as many as five people were just brazenly killed, in broad daylight, in a densely populated state housing ghetto. Surely we are now on equal footing with the likes of Mexico.

And that reminds me about the five missing fishermen. Almost breathless to keep track, I couldn’t help recollect the angry and peurile retorts of Keith Rowley at his failed “Conversations” outreach. Most poignant was his berating the Opposition, that all it was concerned about was “crime, crime, crime,” in a sign song, mocking voice.

Well good sir, what sayeth you now? Goat mouth, as the local parlance goes? No sooner did you speak and it comes into being. Crime, crime, crime, death, death, death is all this nation knows.

Carry on, Lord Keith, continue to spread negativity, dark and sinister energies and you will see what happens to this nation. Indeed, we are seeing the evil hand of governance in the Strategic Services Agency. Maybe its also prophetic/heretic that Juliana Pena has resurrected.



St James


"Crime, death all country knows"

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