Strong winds affect CAL, hangar roofs blown off

Repairs were under way yesterday on two damaged Caribbean Airlines Ltd (CAL) hangars at the Piarco International Airport after parts of the roofs were blown off by strong winds.
In a release on Thursday afternoon, the airline said several galvanised sheets on a section of Hangars 09 and 10 at its Piarco base were displaced.
"There were no injuries, and all personnel are safe. Contractors are already on-site conducting an assessment and have secured the loose sheets," the release said.
By 3.30 pm, the Couva/ Tabaquite/ Talparo Regional Corporation's Disaster Management Unit received five reports of blown-off roofs and two fallen trees in its district. Three of the roofs were in Gasparillo. On Wall Street, Madras Road, one house is reported to have collapsed.
The T&T Meteorological Service's (TTMS) 10 am forecast for the day said hot and sunny conditions would be interrupted by a few cloudy spells with showers at times. It said there was also a 40 per cent (medium) chance of isolated afternoon heavy showers or thunderstorms favouring western and hilly areas of Trinidad. It warned that gusty winds and street/flash flooding might occur near the heavy showers and thunderstorms.
"Strong winds affect CAL, hangar roofs blown off"