Respectour places of worship
THE EDITOR: The Hindu Women’s Organisation of TT views with concern the persistent assaults on our mandirs (places of worship) within recent years. Among the many heinous acts perpetrated on us are: defiling of cooking utensils at the Carapo Mandir, a break-in at the Hindu Prachar Kendra, the desecration of murtis (consecrated images that express a divinity of spirit in material objects) at the Carli Bay Mandir, and, only a few days ago, a mandir in Williamsville was vandalised.
We Hindus are currently engaged in many religious observances that require us to fast and pray individually or communally. We have always thought of our mandirs as safe spaces. Doesn’t our Constitution recognise the multi-religious, multicultural make-up of our society? Does not the law mean anything any more? What is happening to the people of TT?
Congregations have decreased as we face the challenge of safety and security on leaving and returning to our homes. Most people live in fear as they go about their daily business of living.
What fuels these vile acts of sacrilege?
Are criminals of various varieties, and levels of terror, bent on making us prisoners in our homes while they roam the streets freely in search of their next prey? If we are not safe in our homes, our mandirs, where does this leave us citizens? What sanctuary does anyone of us have?
We see these acts as a violation of law, the undermining of our Constitution and inconsistent with nation building, social harmony and national development.
We exhort members of our communities to show respect for our diverse beliefs, practices and traditions as we march on to our 62nd anniversary as an independent nation.
The choice of how we live, and how we live with each other, is ours as individuals since each of us has a responsibility for the goodwill necessary for harmony of our country. At every level citizens must be held accountable for their actions.
We pray for peace, peace, peace –
aum shanti, shanti, shanti.
president, HWO
"Respectour places of worship"