NFM director's term ends

After the National Flour Mills Ltd's (NFM) annual meeting of shareholders on June 30, it was announced that Joanne Salazar will no longer be a director. This comes as her term came to an end.
NFM, in a release, thanked Salazar for her contribution to the company. It did not name a replacement for her.
For the first quarter of this year, NFM reported, in May, that it earned $7.5 million in net-profit-after-tax while the profit-before-tax was $8.4 million. In another release from the TT Stock Exchange, said the final dividend for NFM is three cents per share for this month. It said July 12 will be the ex-dividend date, July 14 is the record date and July 28 is the payment date before the final dividend.
"NFM director’s term ends"