Mark: Ministers disrespecting the Senate

Opposition Senator Wade Mark. - File photo
Opposition Senator Wade Mark. - File photo

OPPOSITION Senator Wade Mark on Tuesday accused government ministers of disrespecting the Senate by not appearing in person to answer urgent questions posed to them by senators.

He made his claims after acting Leader of Government Business Paula Gopee-Scoon answered urgent questions he had filed for Labour Minister Stephen McClashie and Public Utilities Minister Marvin Gonzales to answer.

Mark told Senate President Nigel De Freitas he had raised this matter at a previous sitting.

He claimed the Government was not telling De Freitas whether or not its ministers would be available to answer urgent questions in the Senate.

Mark said Gopee-Scoon should apologise to De Freitas and the Senate for the absences of McClashie and Gonzales.


He asked De Freitas to guide the Senate as to how its respect and dignity could be maintained.

De Freitas acknowledged that Mark had raised this matter previously and recalled responding on that occasion.

He repeated that response: "There are procedures within the Parliament by which those kinds of issues can be raised. Not here on the (Senate) floor."

De Freitas added that he would not give Mark guidance on the issue at this time.

Gopee-Scoon said, "I want to add, with your leave, Mr President (De Freitas), that all of the (urgent) questions posed by Senator Mark subsequently were answered by me, on behalf of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago."

After Gopee-Scoon sat down, De Freitas stood up to silence some inaudible comments from opposition senators.

He said, "As I indicated, there is a process by which those issues can be raised."

De Freitas added that all senators should be aware of that process.


"Mark: Ministers disrespecting the Senate"

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