Thanks for your service, ex-PM

THE EDITOR: I say thank you to Dr Rowley on his many, many years of service to this country, the region and the globe at large. I urge him, however, to please keep soldiering on. It will truly be a very sad day without him in politics. Indeed, a very dark day, almost unimaginable.
Rowley is the best man to deal with the issues of the country as a former minister of agriculture, land and marine resources in the fourth Parliament, minister of housing in the eighth Parliament, and minister of trade in the ninth. His nearly half a century in active politics is a true milestone that all can admire and aspire to.
Recently attaining 75 years of experience, Rowley seems as youthful, vibrant, sharp and energetic as ever. He has shared himself with TT and the world, and he truly deserves to go home to his family, as he has served us more than well.
"Thanks for your service, ex-PM"