'Doh Sleep' killed in San Juan

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- File photo

A 41-year-old mason from Morvant was killed on March 21 while at work in San Juan.

Around 10.15 am Junmant "Doh Sleep" Crosby was with seven other men, building a house at St Joseph Street off Santa Cruz Old Road, San Juan.

Two gunmen got out of a heavily-tinted white SUV, walked towards Crosby and began shooting at him.

Crosby and his co-workers ran off through some bushes to the Santa Cruz Old Road, where he collapsed.

One of the gunmen chased after them and when Crosby fell, walked up to him and shot him again.


The gunman then ran back through the bushes before escaping in the waiting SUV.

Snr Supt Edwards, Supt Birch, Asp Callender, Sgt Nixon and Pc Marshall together with police from the San Juan Police Station responded.

A district medical officer pronounced Crosby dead and ordered his body to be removed for a post mortem.

Police say Crosby was known to them as he “had several interactions with law enforcement.”


"‘Doh Sleep’ killed in San Juan"

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