No parking near savannah for Panorama

Photo courtesy NCC's Facebook page
Photo courtesy NCC's Facebook page

Parking along several streets around the Queen's Park Savannah, in Port of Spain will be restricted as thousands are expected to attend the semifinals of the national Panorama large and medium steelband competition and for Carnival Monday and Tuesday.

Acting Police Commissioner Junior Benjamin approved the temporary traffic restrictions.

A notice published in the newspapers on February 15, said parking and driving will be prohibited along certain roads and some roads made one-way.

The restrictions will be in effect between 7 am on February 16 and 4 am on February 17 and again from 5 pm on March 1 to 4 am on March 2.

The order said vehicles found in contravention of it would be towed.


No parking zones

Parking will be restricted along:

Queen's Park West, between Queen's Park East and Cipriani Boulevard,

Chancery Lane, Albion Street, between Victoria Avenue and Chancery Lane,

Pembroke Street, between Keate Street and Gordon Street

Frederick Street, between Queen's Park West and Gordon Street, Keate Street,

Queen's Park East, between Jerningham Avenue and Queen's Park West

Charlotte Street, between Queen's Park West and New Street,

Gordon Street, between Charlotte Street and Dundonald Street,


Victoria Avenue, between Queen's Park West and Albion Street, except for taxis at the Queen's Park taxi stand

Dundonald Street, between Melville Lane and Queen's Park West

Stanmore Avenue, between Queen's Park West and Tranquility Street

Victoria Avenue, between Albion Street and Tragarete Road

Dere Street, between Cummins Lane and Melville Lane.

Parking will be permitted for Public Transport Service Corporation buses, on the eastern side of Dundonald Street, south of Melville Lane. Vehicles may park in the Queen's Park Savannah, via the entrances at Casual's Corner and St Ann's Roundabout.

Drivers are asked to follow the directions of police officers on duty.

One-way traffic will be west along Gordon Street between Charlotte Street and Dundonald Street.

Closed roads


The following roads will also be closed:

Frederick Street, between Gordon Street and Queen's Park West

Queen's Park West, between Queen's Park East and Cipriani Boulevard

Keate Street, between Charlotte Street and Chancery Lane

Chancery Lane, between Gordon Street and Queen's Park West.

Vehicles carrying steelband instruments will be permitted along Queen's Park West, between Queen's Park East and Cipriani Boulevard.


"No parking near savannah for Panorama"

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