Education Ministry celebrates student excellence

From left, Education Ministry permanent secretary Jacqueline Charles, Education Minister Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly and Chief education officer  Dr Peter Smith posing with the teachers, principals and students of the 20 schools recognised at the Excellence in Focus ceremony. - Photos by Mya Quamie
From left, Education Ministry permanent secretary Jacqueline Charles, Education Minister Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly and Chief education officer Dr Peter Smith posing with the teachers, principals and students of the 20 schools recognised at the Excellence in Focus ceremony. - Photos by Mya Quamie

Aiming to develop a society of ideal citizens under the re-engaging for success remediation programme, the Education Ministry held its Excellence in Focus award ceremony at the ministry’s building in Port of Spain on February 7.

The ceremony recognised students from 20 schools who had demonstrated excellence in sport, leadership and behaviour-transformation initiatives. The students were given laptops and certificates in recognition of their efforts.

At the ceremony, Education Minister Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly emphasised the importance of focusing on morals and ethics within the education system just as much as academic success.

“We do a lot in this country to explore academic success and that is important. We want to encourage that. We give scholarships and awards for that. However, there’s something else that’s equally as important.

"When the leaders of the Caribbean gathered in TT to discuss violence as a public-health issue, almost every leader that took to the stage spoke about the type of citizen we are creating in the Caribbean. Almost every leader spoke about the need for the education system to create citizens who make better decisions about how to resolve issues without resorting to violence.


Brianna Pompey Student council leader at the Morvant Laventille Secondary School (centre) with her English teacher Daniella Simon-Harrison and Education Minister Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly..

“If we as citizens do not take it upon ourselves to live for our country and look for opportunities to build our country then, academic qualification notwithstanding, this nation will not be where we want it to be.”

Gadsby-Dolly said schools need to be explicit in enhancing the moral aspects of education, and encouraged the awarded students to continue being positive role models for their peers.

Ian Haywood, project co-ordinator of the adopt-a-school programme reiterated the commitment of the programme to enhancing those initiatives.

“We are committed to standing with schools through their transformation process by ensuring that all activities aimed at expanding the development of holistic learning are supported as best as possible.”

The ceremony included videos submitted by the awarded students who spoke about their roles in encouraging positive values within their schools.

Student council leader at the Morvant Laventille Secondary School Brianna Pompey’s video featured the work she did to give her fellow students a voice and a listening ear. She is an active participant in a range of school activities including dance and charity. She is also an outstanding track and field athlete at her school.

In the video, she expressed her commitment to being a positive role model, especially for the younger form-one students.

Newsday spoke to Pompey who expressed her excitement about the ceremony.


Education Minister Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly speaking at the Excellence in Focus ceremony at the Education Ministry on February 7.

“I feel so great that everyone’s recognising our school in so many of the good things we do. I feel happy because I try to inspire students, not to be like me, but to be themselves in the best way.”

Chief Education Officer, Dr Peter Smith, congratulated the students and their efforts in shaping a better society.

“We recognise and celebrate the positive attitudes, values and beliefs that each of you have demonstrated, values that are essential to your personal growth, academic success and the development of a stronger, more resilient TT.”


"Education Ministry celebrates student excellence"

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