Night of liming, drinking ends tragically in Williamville — Man kills wife, self

IN A moment of drunken rage, a 65-year-old retiree fatally shot his wife before turning the gun on himself at the family's home on the night of January 26, rocking the usually quiet community of Hardbargain in Williamsville.
Michael Ram and his wife, Sunita Ram, 56, of Piparo Junction Road, died in the living room of the two-storey house they shared with their two adult children.
The housewife would have turned 57 in August.
Ram retired a few years ago, after working at TSTT.
On January 27, relatives and villagers told Newsday of the couple's love for alcohol, adding they frequented bars in the community separately and together.
The police said around 8 pm on January 26, the two returned home from liming and drinking at a nearby bar.
They had an argument in the living room after Ram accused Sunita of infidelity in front of their children, who are in their 30s.
The argument continued and Ram went to his bedroom.
Around 8.50 pm, Ram came back with the licensed shotgun and shot Sunita in front of their children.
The children, fearing for their lives, ran out of the house and hid in the yard, only to hear another gunshot moments later.
Seeking help, they ran to a neighbour's house, and the police were alerted.
Among the first responders were Cpl Ramdass and PCs Ferguson and Paul of the Southern Divisional Task Force.
Sunita was found lying on her back with gunshot wounds to the face. Ram's body was nearby, with a gunshot wound to the right side of his head.
The police found a Stephens 16-gauge shotgun, three spent 16-gauge Remington Express cartridges and a live round.
A neighbour, who is related to Ram, said, "They were nice people. I was inside and did not hear the gunshots. But I realised something was wrong when I looked outside and saw villagers heading to the house."
Like other relatives, the neighbour said she was unaware whether they had any marital issues.
A close relative of Sunita recalled that Sunita's father Ramjattan "Bell" Ramgobin, 78, died from cancer in August last year.
She described Sunita as nice, but, without giving details, said the husband was not.
"Both loved alcohol and would be seen together liming and drinking.
"They have been together since she was about 18.
"This was a shock," said a relative who asked to remain unnamed. "Her father warned her many times to stop drinking, but everyone makes their own decisions. He told her to try and change her life."
Sunita's relatives said the family was unaware whether Sunita was the victim of any previous domestic issues, as she never mentioned any.
The relative added, "You could have seen she was not happy in the relationship. I guess she stayed because older people just do not leave a relationship, thinking about what people would say."
"To reach this, I am sure he would have threatened her before."
To people who are in a rocky relationship, she advised: "Please leave. If you are drinking that much, just leave."
At one of the bars that the couple frequented, a patron said Ram was liming on the evening of January 26.
From what he heard, Ram went to another bar where Sunita was liming before they headed home.
"He malfunctioned. She was quiet. She would cook his food and drop it off for him here while he drink. He was here so often it was like he was living or working here, getting home-cooked meals."
DMO Dr Balkissoon viewed the bodies and ordered them removed, pending autopsies at the Forensic Science Centre in St James.
ASP Phillip and other police from the Southern Division and the Homicide Bureau of Investigations, Region Three, including Insp Maharaj, Cpl Griffith and PC Bhola are investigating. Acting Cpl King is leading the investigation.
The police have listed the motive as a domestic dispute.
Anyone who needs help or thinks about harming themselves can call Lifeline (24-hour hotline) at 800-5588, 866- 5433 or 220-3636.
"Night of liming, drinking ends tragically in Williamville — Man kills wife, self"