Show more love, less hate, people

- Photo courtesy Pixabay
- Photo courtesy Pixabay

THE EDITOR: While visiting a business place, I overheard two workers having a discussion about another person and was shocked at what was being said.

Despite my presence, they continued to express hate and disgust with no holding back. I wondered if this is how many of us have become living in TT. I have seen people become angry and say despicable things to those who may have offended them, some incidents leading to cuss-outs, even physical encounters.

Our country has changed drastically over the years, hence the reason a person can brutally murder another, invade a home, and mercilessly beat the elderly, rape, even sell another human being without remorse.

It makes you wonder how this demonic behaviour has infiltrated our country. Despite this, we cannot give up, but must do our best to restore some sanity in our country before it is too late.

There are people who still believe that love towards each other is always the way to go. I encourage us all, for the sake of our country and future generations, to push the spirit of love and not hate wherever we go.


I call on those in leadership positions to be exemplars. Some leaders have displayed much venom and bitterness to others of the same status as them at forums and on platforms. Could it be that the population seeing this simply follows the path the leaders have created?

Author Nitin Namdeo states, “Your behaviour reflects your character; always treat people well.”

This simple act of treating people well can bring about change in our communities, workplaces, homes, and our country. The next time you are pushed to lash out or take revenge, show instead more love and less hate. This will help us all.

Let us together make TT a better place for all.


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"Show more love, less hate, people"

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