Government to audit alleged water-trucking scam

LEADER of Government Business Dr Amery Browne has said the Rural Development and Local Government Ministry will conduct a special audit into an alleged water-trucking scam at the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation.
He made the comment in the Senate on January 21 while answering a question on behalf of Rural Development and Local Government Minister Faris Al-Rawi.
The scam was alleged to have taken place last June with some corporation workers charging residents $300-$500 per truckload of water.
Browne said the audit will be conducted in light of numerous procedural irregularities at the corporation and concerns raised during an inquiry into this matter.
He added Public Utilities Minister Marvin Gonzales has committed to undertaking a series of measures to enhance enforcement and ensure proper delivery of water to communities to prevent such scams from taking place.
Earlier in the sitting, Labour Minister Stephen McClashie said there was insufficient time before this year's general election to properly deal with amendments to key pieces of labour legislation.
Government senators thumped their desks when McClashie promised new labour legislation would come to Parliament "on the return of the PNM government (after the election)."
Opposition Senator Wade Mark was amused by McClashie's comments.
He said he understood McClashie's enthusiasm but did not believe McClashie would be returning to Parliament.
Mark also doubted the PNM would win the election.
"I don't think the PNM will return."
"Government to audit alleged water-trucking scam"