The kind of person we need in Parliament

THE EDITOR: As we head into another general election, it’s time for us to think about the kind of representatives we want in Parliament.
For years we’ve faced amateur debate and questionable personalities in Parliament. It’s clear that we need new voices in politics, people who truly want to make things better for everyone.
One person who stands out is Kiel Taklalsingh. As a lawyer, he has shown that he isn’t afraid to tackle big issues, even taking on the PNM.
He has challenged unfair laws, spoken out about crime, and worked to ensure fairness in government decisions. His actions show that he cares about doing what’s right for the country.
Taklalsingh also has ideas that make sense. He talks about fixing the police service so good officers get promoted, speeding up court cases so they don’t drag on for years, and giving Tobago the respect it deserves. These are real issues that can make life better for all of us.
What I admire most about Taklalsingh is that he doesn’t just complain about problems, he finds ways to fix them. In a time when many people believe politicians only care about themselves, Taklalsingh shows us that some people still want to help the country move forward.
We need parliamentarians who are honest, hard-working, and ready to put the people first. Taklalsingh is one of those individuals and dare I say a political titan. He represents the kind of change our country needs right now.
It’s time for us to support people who are ready to serve the country, not just themselves. People like Taklalsingh give me hope that we can have a brighter future.
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"The kind of person we need in Parliament"