Bharath: SoE declaration does not inspire confidence

FORMER minister in the ministry of finance Vasant Bharath says the decision to declare a state of emergency (SoE) on December 30 does not inspire confidence nor does it project that Government has a well-thought-out plan to reduce crime.
He made this comment in response to a signed proclamation by President Christine Kangaloo to declare an SoE and comments about it by acting Attorney General Stuart Young and National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds at a subsequent news conference at the National Security Ministry on Abercromby Street, Port of Spain.
In a statement, Bharath said, "This 11th-hour declaration of a state of emergency does not inspire confidence. It reeks of political expediency rather than a well-thought-out strategy to protect citizens.
While an SoE may temporarily suppress criminal activities, he said, it does not resolve systemic issues like corruption, inadequate policing, lack of economic opportunities, or the breakdown of trust in law enforcement and the Judiciary.
"It is a short-term plaster on a festering wound caused by years of institutional degradation."
Bharath did not comment on any potential economic consequences of the SoE.
In the briefing, Young said there will be no curfew and government had taken careful steps to ensure the economy continues to function as normal while the SoE is in effect.
He added further details will be provided in the SoE regulations that will be issued later in the day.
"Bharath: SoE declaration does not inspire confidence"