Kamla: Pray for the downtrodden this Christmas

Opposition Leader and MP for Siparia Kamla Persad-Bissessar distributes gifts at her Christmas celebrations at her constituency office in Penal on December 14. - File photo by Lincoln Holder
Opposition Leader and MP for Siparia Kamla Persad-Bissessar distributes gifts at her Christmas celebrations at her constituency office in Penal on December 14. - File photo by Lincoln Holder

WHILE offering joyous greetings to the population in her Christmas message, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar urged everyone to say a special prayer for downtrodden individuals who may not be having a happy festive season.

"On this wondrous occasion of Christmas, I extend my very best wishes to the entire population of Trinidad and Tobago and the regional and global community.

"It is worthwhile to remember that the true significance of this beautiful, inspiring, holy celebration is rooted in the promise of mankind’s redemption and salvation, in the form of the Messiah and Saviour, Jesus Christ."

She recalled the birth of Jesus – known as Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace – quoting Isaiah 9:6.

"Indeed, Christ lived a life of miracles, changing the world forever with his actions of love, charity, compassion, kindness, equality of treatment, and justice for all.


"Just like the Wise Men and shepherds of that first Christmas who followed the light of that higher star in the hopes of finding this Saviour, most citizens have always aspired to follow the light of goodness and the promise of betterment that He brings."

Persad-Bissessar said faith in this noble endeavour would lead to TT's ultimate success as a progressive, prosperous, equitable nation.

However she warned that this will not be a happy Christmas for many people in TT.

"Many citizens are victims of crime, violence, poverty, abuse, and other societal ills that plagued our nation this year.

"For them, we should say a special prayer, as well as make a concerted effort to make their lives better in the best possible way."

In this season of merriment and feasting, she urged everyone to pay attention to their safety and that of others.

"Be very careful and responsible on the roads and please ensure your children are always well supervised.

"Let them know, too, that they are your most prized blessings from God who should always benefit from your unwavering and unconditional love, caring and guidance."

On behalf of the UNC, her family and herself, Persad-Bissessar wished everyone a happy and holy Christmas.


"May you be blessed with peace, safety and happiness; may your hearts and homes be filled with love and laughter; and may the coming year be filled with abundant blessings and joy."


"Kamla: Pray for the downtrodden this Christmas"

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