Oropune man survives shooting at Piarco workplace

A 29-year-old Oropune man has survived after he was shot outside his Piarco workplace several times.
The man, a labourer at Brandon's Auto, was leaving work at around 8.30 pm on December 2, when he heard gunshots and ran inside.
The victim has gunshot injuries to his lower and upper left leg, left buttocks, rear left upper arm, shoulder and left jaw.
The attacker was seen fleeing after the incident.
Police led by PC Rochford of the North Central Task Force and PC De Four from the Piarco Police Station responded to the shooting.
They interviewed the victim at hospital, but he was unable to give any information about the gunman.
He remains warded in a stable condition.
Officers from the Northern Crime Scene Investigators Unit processed the scene and found several possible pieces of evidence.
PC De Four of the Piarco CID is continuing enquiries.
"Oropune man survives shooting at Piarco workplace"