Malvern's Willard Harris elected new hockey board president

New TT Hockey Board president Willard Harris - Photo by Faith Ayoung
New TT Hockey Board president Willard Harris - Photo by Faith Ayoung

Malvern Sports Club’s Willard Harris was elected unopposed as president when the TT Hockey Board (TTHB) observed its elections at its 27th annual council meeting at Olympic House, PoS on November 26. Harris will now ascend to the vacant presidential seat after the resignation of former TTHB president Roger St Rose back in May.

Via a media release, the TTHB revealed the new executive, which also includes first vice-president Garth Baptiste (Notre Dame), honorary secretary Reyah Richardson (Harvard Checkers), assistant treasurer Anthony Marcano (Malvern) and elected members Cindy Martin-Faustin (Paragon) and Ayanna McLean (Ventures). All of the above-mentioned TTHB executives were elected unopposed, with Richardson and McLean both retaining their posts to serve another two-year term.

The release said, “due to unforeseen circumstances, several nominees were deemed ineligible for inclusion on the ballot for this year’s TTHB annual council meeting elections” for constitutional reasons.

The release did not disclose the ineligible nominees.

The full TTHB executive is as follows:


Willard Harris – president

Garth Baptiste – first vice-president

Jennifer Lander – second vice-president

Fernando Beatrice – third vice-president

Roger Gomes – honorary treasurer

Anthony Marcano – assistant treasurer

Reyah Richardson – honorary secretary

Rolana Cuffy-Bernard – assistant secretary

Ayanna McLean – elected member


Cindy Martin-Faustin – elected member


"Malvern’s Willard Harris elected new hockey board president"

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