Woman, 66, robbed of SUV at barbecue stop in Rousillac

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A 66-year-old woman from Point Fortin was robbed of her SUV on October 25 while buying food in Rousillac.

The incident occurred around 12.40 pm at Slim’s Homestyle Barbecue on the Southern Main Road.

Her stolen car, a blue Kia Sportage, was later found abandoned on the roadside in Fyzabad.

Reports are while she was buying food, a red SUV drove into the parking area of the business place and a masked man got out of the front passenger seat.

He also wore a hoodie covering his head.


The man approached and pointed the gun at the victim and demanded that she hand over her keys to her vehicle and cash.

The gunman searched the woman and took $1,000 and the keys to her SUV.

The gunman got into her SUV and drove off. The driver of the red SUV followed closely behind.

The police were informed and WPC Maxima and PC Morean of the South Oropouche police station were among the first responders.

Acting Cpl Bernard and PC Noel continued enquiries and acting on a tip-off from PCs Banahar and Ramasar of the Siparia CID, found the stolen car.

No one has been arrested and PC Noel is leading the investigation.


"Woman, 66, robbed of SUV at barbecue stop in Rousillac"

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