Disturbing PTSC trend

THE EDITOR: I have noticed with deep concern an ongoing trend a couple of days before a public holiday, and this Republic Day is no different.
There was a newspaper notice on September 18 by the PTSC stating, “The Public Transport Service Corporation (PTSC) wishes to advise our valued customers there will be no regular scheduled services" on September 24, Republic Day.
The PTSC needs to be reminded that it is the corporation’s responsibility to provide an efficient and reliable service to the travelling public. That is its core function as established by the Public Transport Service Act:
“It shall be the duty of the corporation to carry on the business of operating public service vehicles under this act, so as to ensure the provision of a safe, adequate, economic and efficient public transportation system, adapted to the needs of the country…”
It is my view that the PTSC is neglecting it responsibility on public holidays by not providing regular service. Is this how it treats “valued customers?”
Could one imagine the New York Transit Authority that operates the subway system or the London Underground not providing services on public holidays? There would be chaos in those cities. And heads will roll.
How does the PTSC management expect the travelling public, especially those in the lower economic stratum, to get around on public holidays with most maxi and conventional taxis not working, or providing limited service?
It is time the PTSC board/executive and the Transport Ministry get their act together and provide the service the travelling public deserves. Smaller Caribbean countries are leaving us behind in this sector.
I also suggest that it is this lack of an efficient and reliable public transportation system that is the main reason for the high volume of private vehicles on our roads and causing the daily congestion, and the use of high foreign exchange by the automobile sector, both new and used.
Retired transport commissioner
"Disturbing PTSC trend"