KI and 3veni return for Carnival 2025

KI performs at the Trinbago Toronto Festival in Ontario. -
KI performs at the Trinbago Toronto Festival in Ontario. -


Carnival 2025 could see the return of popular chutney-soca artist KI and the Band 3veni participating in the festival with new music and even a few new faces.

Since becoming a father seven years ago, the Single Forever singer has been devoting more time to parenting.

“I haven’t had the chance to come to Carnival for the last couple years with my new commitments, being a father and having to leave for long periods of time," KI (Kris Persad) told Newsday.

"We’re definitely looking forward to coming back into the Carnival circuit in 2025 with new tracks and maybe a few new faces as well.”

KI and his band are working on a few projects and also fulfilling an international touring schedule.

“We are continuing as we have been throughout the years. Touring both band and solo for sure, and yes, new records.

"Carnival is coming up and we’re in that season mode now, so a lot of projects are being done simultaneously. Chutney soca, soca, and a mix of a few other genres.

"We do have a few projects...stepping out of the recording and performing that we’ll make public soon but we’re definitely venturing into different branches of the entertainment world as we have done in the past with promotions, radio, and mas.”

Honoured in Toronto

As his art continues to bring him acclaim and accolades, the 2012 International Chutney Soca Monarch was recently honoured at the Trinbago Toronto Festival held on September 7 and 8 at the Nathan Philip Square in Toronto, Ontario.

He was recognised by Tracey Mannette, consul general of Trinidad and Tobago in Toronto, with a commendation that acknowledged his craft and his role as a dual citizen of TT and Canada.

Fans, who affectionately call KI the "king of the stage" for his energetic and seamless crossover performances, were treated to an unforgettable show at the event. The co-owner of the band, 3veni, performed his chutney soca hits, including fan favourites Single Forever, KI Dance, Runaway, and Friends for the Night.

He also offered a special unplugged session during which he accompanied himself on the keyboard to classics like Sparrow's Jean and Dinah, Calypso Rose's Fire Fire, Stalin's Blackman Feeling to Party, and Chris Garcia's Chutney Bacchanal, leading the audience in a sing-along tribute to TT's musical heritage.

KI performing in Toronto. -

During the event, KI who is from Barataria, paid homage to the late musical legend Roy Cape, a gesture that endeared him even further to the crowd.

Showcasing his versatility, he mixed in some popular soca hits as well, keeping the audience fully engaged.

Growth and gratitude

In the spotlight for 14 years, after initially starting as the band’s keyboard player, KI’s journey has been marked by growth and success.

Responding to questions via WhatsApp, he expressed his heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported him.

“Receiving this recognition is a priceless feeling and it is something I will hold close to my heart forever.

"I’m a proud Trini, born Trini, but of course spent a lot of my time sharing dual citizenship and growing up in Toronto. After all the years of hard work, countless hours and everything that went in, it’s flattering to be acknowledged on behalf of my country of birth in the other country that has played a pivotal part in shaping who I am today.”

Asked if he ever imagined reaching this level of success, KI responded, “I’ve never really spent a lot of time thinking about how far I would reach career-wise, but more so just kept working and will continue to do so, with the ultimate goal being to continue rising and representing our people and culture as best as possible.

"I’m no doubt truly grateful, however, for making it this far. Every time I reach the top of the staircase and accomplish something new, it’s almost as if I once again took the first step of a new and more challenging flight.”

Big dreams for chutney soca

Reflecting on his career, KI said, "Hmm…I think I surprised myself winning that first Chutney Soca Monarch in 2012.

"Prior to that, we would be the backup band for all competitors throughout the years. We would joke that we would never have a chance to compete on these stages as we weren’t singers. Then it just so happened we went down that road, and yeah, it happened. I couldn’t believe it for a while (lol)!”

For him, showcasing TT on the world stage is special.

“Getting to represent TT is a very proud feeling, to be honest. There’s something special about us as a people, the way we’ve managed to marry all these cultures and give birth to our own signature way of living. Food, music, people, lifestyle…everything. Being able to fly our flag is a blessing that I’ll never take for granted. It’s a responsibility on its own, one that I’m happy to have.”

KI spoke highly of his Canadian audience.

“Canada has been nothing but great to me and our band over the years, even prior to me joining the band. The love and support here in tremendous no doubt. It’s not significantly different performing in different places. The crowds come out in numbers all throughout and support in whichever way they like. I will mention that the diaspora in Toronto is big…very much present. This has led to at least one chutney-soca or soca party being held in the city every weekend throughout the year.”

KI is scheduled to perform in Guyana and North America before the end of the year.

“We’ll be bringing that energy that we harness here in our team.”

He also explained how he stays connected to his roots while performing internationally.

“My family is definitely what keeps me connected to the roots. We’re all very much Trini! So, from food, to music we listen to, even dialect…we stay connected.

Tracey Mannette, consul general of TT in Toronto presents Kris ‘KI” Persad with a commendation that acknowledged his craft and his role as a dual citizen of TT and Canada. -

"The people keep me grounded. I always remind myself that I’ve no place to be without the people. They’re the fuel that allows me to move forward and I’m forever grateful for them.”

Looking to the future, he revealed his biggest dream for chutney soca: "…to do an international collaboration with Single Forever. Imagine having the entire world singing, 'I go be single forevahhh.' With contemporary sounds and an ever-changing musical spectrum, chutney soca is starting to sound a lot different than it did even a decade ago. I look forward to seeing where we’re at in five-ten years, having now adopted new trends in the music.”

KI sent a heartfelt message to his fans, especially those in Canada:

“I love you unconditionally always. Thank you for your support over the years and for those to come. I’ll do what I’ve been doing, trying my utmost hardest to respect the craft and treat it with respect.

"Blessings to each and every one of you, and see you at the next fete.”

He extended special thanks to his family, his band, manager Sadique Boodoo of Toronto, and the consul general for recognising his dedication to representing TT through his art.


"KI and 3veni return for Carnival 2025"

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