Did health system fail Nelisha?

- Photo courtesy Pixabay
- Photo courtesy Pixabay

THE EDITOR: The tragic death of eight-year-old Nelisha Narine, who passed away in her mother’s arms on August 14, is profoundly heart-wrenching.

According to her death certificate, Nelisha succumbed to dengue fever. However, disturbing reports have emerged that on August 9 she was denied treatment at the Princes Town Health Centre and was told to return in three to five days. This raises critical questions about whether her death resulted from a failure within the public healthcare system.

Dengue fever can be life-threatening, especially if not treated promptly. If the child was indeed turned away despite displaying symptoms of a severe illness, this could point to a serious lapse in medical care – potentially amounting to negligence.

Healthcare providers are entrusted with the responsibility to assess and treat patients based on the severity of their condition, and if this did not happen it could be seen as a significant and deadly failure of the public healthcare system.

While dengue fever is documented as the cause of death, the lack of timely medical intervention may have played a significant role in this tragic outcome. The pain and grief that Nelisha’s family is enduring are unimaginable. They deserve both support and justice from the State.



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"Did health system fail Nelisha?"

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