Golden Hands wins all at Steelpan is More Beautiful
SOUTH band Golden Hands were the overall winners of the ensemble category of the revamped Pan is More Beautiful competition.
The finals of that category took place on August 17 at Queen’s Hall, St Ann’s Road, Port of Spain.
The band’s founder Franka Hills-Headly recently died on August 1.
It also won the sub-categories: best test piece, best tune of choice and best dress.
The band’s 946 points gave it a clear win over second place, St Margaret’s Super Stars.
Hilltoppers Steelpan Academy placed third with 907 points.
The qualifying round for the ensemble category began on August 2 and six bands were chosen out of 15 to move on to the finals.
The competition is being held under the patronage of the Prime Minister who announced on Sunday that pan imagery would replace Columbus’ ships on the national coat of arms.
Here are the official results from last Saturday’s competition:
Golden Hands - 946 points
St Maragert’s Super Stars - 921 points
Hilltoppers Steelpan Academy - 907 points
Alpha Pan Pioneers - 905 points
Phoenix - 880 points
Alumknights - 879 points
"Golden Hands wins all at Steelpan is More Beautiful"