Hold consultations before renaming constituencies

THE EDITOR: In my submission to the National Advisory Committee on Constitutional Reform, I called for the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) to hold public consultations before the naming of constituencies for general and local elections in TT.
In the third consecutive report from the EBC, it refused to provide the appropriate name for the constituency in south Arima. The previous name allocated to this constituency was Arouca South, which was inexplicably changed to D’Abadie/O’Meara and now to Malabar/Mausica.
As we celebrate the 136th anniversary of the granting of the Royal Charter by Queen Victoria in 1888 to the borough, it is now painfully evident that the EBC’s unilateral decision to split the borough has angered Arimians.
To make matters worse, no mention was made of D’Abadie/O’Meara at the ongoing celebrations because there is a clear ignorance by some that this constituency is part of the borough. In fact, four elected councillors in the 11-member council (seven elected and four appointed aldermen) come from the D’Abadie/O’Meara constituency.
While I recognise that the EBC strives to name constituencies as far as possible to areas that comprise the majority of electors, the EBC’s unilateral decision regarding Arima not only goes against the grain of its democratic mandate, but also flies in the face of the rich history and culture of the borough and the constituents' perennial identification as "Arimians."
It is therefore not surprising that the EBC has now found itself embroiled in controversy over its plans to require returning officers to declare their party membership.
Again I submit that this imbroglio could have been avoided if, in accordance with the principle of representative democracy, there was consultation with the people.
One recognises that when a consultation takes place it does not necessarily mean that all the suggestions are accepted, but at least the EBC would have gleaned the appropriate approach to undertake.
My call is for the EBC to hold consultations once a year over a specified period and this requirement should be clearly stated in the Representation of the Peoples Act as exists with regional health authorities where, under the act, they are required to hold a public forum once a year.
The EBC has a very good record when it comes to the conduct of elections in TT and I myself am on record as singing its praises when I served as general secretary of the PNM.
I trust the EBC commissioners would consider my suggestion with respect to the name of the constituency – Arima South/D’Abadie.
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"Hold consultations before renaming constituencies"