Political parties must address animal welfare, protection now

TO DATE, no political parties have seriously and genuinely included animal welfare and protection in their manifestos.
In the lead up to a general election, one would think that parties wishing to stand out would think of actively appealing to animal lovers/advocates – a major and growing sector of our voting population (more so in Trinidad).
Animal lovers/advocates are as hungry for enforcement of legislation on the profusion of crimes committed against animals as politicians are for votes.
We need a strongly animal-loving politician to be a champion for animals within his/her party and a relentless "voice for the voiceless" in Parliament.
In a recent Facebook post, the Animal Welfare Network (AWN) and TTSPCA outlined the case of a rescued pitbull (tied 24/7 in sun and rain) whose constant, unbearable bawls of pain brought to light her horrific existence.
The shockingly emaciated creature was blind, with an ulcerated eye, tick fever, elevated heart rate and maggots eating voraciously, deeply, into both ear canals and her vulva. The video showing the dog is difficult to view.
Milk in her mammary glands suggested that she had recently had pups – perhaps one of multiple litters produced in her lifetime as a (very likely) money-making "breeding machine."
Inevitably, the dog was humanely euthanised. As AWN/TTSPCA stated: "Her last breath was taken with caring hands who held her until she passed."
Despite countless similar (and worse) crimes of neglect and abuse, resulting in the unfathomable suffering of animals throughout this nation, related legislation remains dormant.
In the (abridged) words of AWN/TTSPCA via Facebook: “We are highlighting this case as we know she is not alone. In truth, we are currently trying to assist with multiple cases across Trinidad, which brings us to this: We are asking the Ministry of Agriculture to draft the regulations and implement the laws regarding The Animal (Diseases and Importation) (Amendment) Act, 2020 – IT IS TIME! In 2019 AWN was part of a committee that helped to draft the standards for the keeping of animals yet, four years on, we are still waiting. Animal welfare in T&T can no longer be left on the back burner. We must ALL speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. WE NEED YOU to write to your MP, write to the papers, call on those in power to do what must be done by speaking up and speaking out. Animal Cruelty must be stopped and there must be consequences for perpetrators of these crimes.”
Why must animals continue to suffer without consequence? Why must those who care have to beg those "in power" to listen and act on clearly inexcusable issues?
The new "'Customer Service Unit feedback bins/boxes" that will be (or have been?) placed in every police station across the ten divisions of the TTPS are meant to gather "real-time, on-the-ground feedback from citizens that can then be analysed and acted upon."
These boxes present a targeted opportunity for us to voice concrete details, reports and suggestions on the unacceptable level of animal abuse/cruelty in TT and the lack of enforcement of relevant laws.
Most modern communication is electronic but, for some reason, the "TTPS box" initiative requires citizens to leave home and face traffic to submit handwritten feedback at a police station.
Do not let that "extra effort" deter you. It is less than the discomfort involved in protesting physically in hot sun with a placard – and may have a more targeted effect.
Writing to or meeting with your MP will also bring more voices on this subject to the fore. Do not sit back and say, "Someone else will do it." We all must.
Encourage others to approach those "in power" directly with appropriate calls and/or letters demanding much-needed action on animal welfare and protection.
Send "letters to the editor" to all three daily newspapers.
Complaining on Facebook is easy, but is not the only or best way.
Prior to writing anything, review the amended legislation pertaining to animal cruelty in TT. Remind your MP and the police of these laws (as, from experience, I can attest that not all police officers are aware of the amended legislation).
Do not think: "This will not work." We are a vast collective who must act in unison, believing that it will work, and it will.
Those "in power" (and those seeking power) are more likely to listen and act when they realise how many voters are demanding long-overdue change for animals.
"Political parties must address animal welfare, protection now"