Couva businessman shot dead during home invasion

 - Allan Babwah
- Allan Babwah

A 37-year-old self-employed businessman was shot and killed at his home in Couva on the night of June 7.

The police said mechanical engineer Allan Babwah of Exchange Lots died at the scene.

The murder happened at around 10.30 pm. Babwah was at his home with his wife, 36, and their two children in the bedroom on the upper floor of their home.

The family heard a noise coming from inside the house.

Babwah opened the bedroom door to investigate the cause of the noise.

He saw three male intruders dressed in dark clothing.

The intruders then announced a robbery and stole a quantity of cash and cell phones.

They then took Babwah to the lower level of the house, where the alarm system was activated.

Several gunshots were heard and relatives later found his body near the garage area with multiple gunshot wounds.

The police were alerted, and officers from the Central Division and Homicide Bureau of Investigations (HBI), Region Three, visited the scene and gathered evidence.

The police believe robbery to be the motive.

A team from Newsday visited the family's home on June 8 but was told that the distraught relatives were not there.

People were washing down the front of the house near the garage area.

No one has been arrested.

WPC Knights of the HBI is leading the investigation.

Babwah was the second businessman from the Central Division to have been killed within a few weeks.

At around 7 pm on May 1, John Henry, the owner of Crystal Waters Beverage Company Ltd, was gunned down near his home at Canary Drive in Mc Bean, Couva.

On his way home, Henry was driving his white Range Rover and saw a silver Nissan B14 car parked in the middle of the road with its bonnet up, suggesting the car had mechanical problems.

Henry was trying to pass around the car, but two men with guns got out and started shooting at Henry's SUV, hitting him.

He drove a short distance before crashing into a wall.

The gunmen got back into their car, which drove off.

Relatives took Henry to Rampersad Medical Centre in Freeport, where Dr Rampersad pronounced him dead on arrival at 7.15 pm.

Central Division police were alerted and found the getaway car abandoned and on fire at Base Road in Camden, Couva.

Insp Sylvan and other police from the Central Division went to the scene.

Insp Maharaj and PCs Sewdath and Henry of the HBI also gathered evidence.

There have been unconfirmed reports that suggested the death might have been linked to financial problems.

However, investigators were unable to say if Henry had financial problems but said they were pursuing all possibilities.

Police do not believe the businessmen's murders were linked.

Investigations are ongoing.


"Couva businessman shot dead during home invasion"

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