Karen Stollmeyer to host peace, wellness festival

BLISS Yoga will host its second peace and wellness transformation festival – Utopia – on May 5. The proceeds will go towards local NGO Horses Helping Humans, which provides free or subsidised hippo/equine-facilitated therapy for special needs children.
The event will be held at La Soledad Estate, Maracas from 8 am-6 pm, and event organiser Karen Stollmeyer told WMN attendees will get a "real sense" of different healing methods available in Trinidad and Tobago.
Patrons can participate in yoga and meditation, Tai Chi, Quijong, reiki, craniosacral therapy, as well as get massages and engage in holistic discussions. There will also be artisan vendors, children's yoga and an interactive wildlife display – a partnership with the El Socorro Centre for Wildlife Conservation.
"The main intention is to provide a space for people in TT to come and experience these alternative or complementary forms of wellness. We have so many amazingly highly-skilled practitioners right here. It's a space to give people the opportunity to experience what we have here."
Stollmeyer said such practices are becoming more mainstream outside TT as well.
"A lot of people are suffering and don't know where to go to. Maybe (other options) aren't the ones for them...It can be a journey from deep loneliness and pain that nobody else can help with."
She said last year, the feedback was exceptional, with many saying it felt great to be in such a non-judgmental environment.
"They felt really connected in the space. That's why people left so overjoyed. It's a space where you feel a sense of total openness."
Some even asked if such an event could be hosted every month.
Stollmeyer, a certified speech language pathologist, yoga teacher and therapist. said many people may not realise how much they may need such sessions since, given the increasing crime rate in TT, among other things, "We have this deeply-entrenched feeling that things aren't okay. We have this collective fear and worry...
"But there is hope in healing. Without wellness, we have nothing."
She said Bliss Yoga previously held an event called TT World Peace Festival from 2011-2013, which was the precursor for Utopia. The difference, she said, is people can now actively participate in all the activities discussed, as opposed to just learning about them.
"We really wanted to try something different, and we are thankful for the diversity of all our practitioners and to be able to bring them all together.
"There is hope in healing."
Adult tickets provide unlimited access to all workshops, classes, lectures and discussions throughout the day.
To purchase tickets visit ticketgateway.com or call 768-6394 or 768-6386.
For more information follow Bliss Yoga and Horses Helping Humans on Facebook and Instagram.
"Karen Stollmeyer to host peace, wellness festival"