Political chaos in Trinidad and Tobago?

Mickela Panday - ROGER JACOB
Mickela Panday - ROGER JACOB

THE EDITOR: With both the PNM and the UNC having the firmest political support bases running into tens of thousands, consider the saying: Where there is no PNM, there is chaos. Maybe we can now add: When the UNC is in chaos, there is even more chaos in sweet TT?

Why bother to waste 500 words on a letter? The UNC appears to be transitioning between political short pants and short skirts to long pants and long skirts, even as we speak.

The PNM is accused of being the worst political party in history, even as more citizens get water, electricity and impressive highways. The conglomerates, the entrepreneurs, the banks and the manufacturers are doing good business. We are out of the hands of the IMF. Plus, of course, members of the United Nations like TT.

The People's Partnership (PP) government of 2010-2015 was UNC-led. It won 29 out of 41seats by axing the property tax and making wild promises that could not be met. It broke the hearts of the other coalition partners.

Ask yourself this: Is today's rampant crime fuelled by PP 2010-2015 decisions or lack of proper decisions? Rome was not built in a day, and neither was the rampant crime in TT.


Crime is now being used, unashamedly, as a political tool for unseating the PNM. To be replaced with what?

A UNC promising no property taxes, no utilities to be paid? All monies to come from political heaven to employ every single unemployed citizen? And, will the UNC reopen "slit your economical wrist" Petrotrin? To fool whom?

Meanwhile, what of the disappointed loyal UNC supporters of April as their political party transitions? Will they be asked to burn some tyres by their constituency representatives in Parliament?

Plenty, plenty smoke in south and central Trinidad, with a few puffs over in Tobago?

Mickela Panday, where are you? Maybe her cell phone needs charging.


Diego Martin


"Political chaos in Trinidad and Tobago?"

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