Hosein, explain vote abstention

THE EDITOR: It would be rather interesting if MP Saddam Hosein could explain why he and his Opposition colleagues abstained in the vote to appoint Wendell Lucas as a deputy commissioner of police during Friday’s sitting of Parliament. Hosein would have been on solid ground in calling on the Government to explain its “no” vote only if the Opposition had voted “yes.”
We are left to speculate why the Opposition went the route of abstention instead of an outright “yes” vote. Was it caught by surprise? It certainly appeared so. So, the ball is in Hosein’s court to clarify the Opposition’s action.
I noted that Hosein zeroed in on National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds’s commending the motion to the House after outlining Lucas’s qualifications. I believe Hinds was obliged to make the commendation as mover of the motion.
"Hosein, explain vote abstention"