Hinds: Tuesday update on $100m for hotspots

MINISTER of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds told Newsday on Monday that reporters can expect an update on the Government's proposed injection of $100 million in assistance to hotspot areas on Tuesday morning.
On February 2, at a briefing at Whitehall, Port of Spain, Dr Rowley promised a crime briefing at the same venue, as he accounted to reporters of his recent trip to the US to meet state officials, security agencies and energy company leaders.
When reporters asked about last week's lacklustre performance by Commissioner of Police Erla Christopher-Harewood before the Joint Select Committee (JSC) on National Security chaired by Keith Scotland, Rowley replied, "Let me put it this way: that calls for a whole press conference by itself.
"But I want to invite you to a press conference on national security on Tuesday morning at 10.30. Let's talk national security on Tuesday morning."
Newsday asked Hinds for an update on the $100 million that Rowley recently pledged to allocate to curb crime in hotspots, amid proposed army patrols.
Hinds said, "I'm sure you are not unaware that tomorrow we are having a press conference on national security and the Prime Minister and I will be in attendance. So therefore you will have an opportunity to raise that matter tomorrow with us."
"Hinds: Tuesday update on $100m for hotspots"