TTMA hopes ferry will connect islands

Trinidad And Tobago Manufacturers' Association (TTMA) president Roger Roach is awaiting more details of the proposed intra-regional ferry but generally welcomed more inter-island transport, especially after LIAT's recent demise, he told Newsday on Thursday.
On Wednesday, the Prime Minister said the Galleon's Passage fast ferry now serving the Tobago-Trinidad sea bridge (along with four other vessels) will be used to move raw materials and fresh produce to areas of consumption and manufacturing among Guyana, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago.
However in his address at a Phoenix Park function, Dr Rowley gave no details of any legal/commercial contracts for the three countries to set up the new ferry service, nor mentioned funding or operational details such as routes, timetables, fuel consumption or technical support for the ferry service.
Roach said that before commenting, he would need to get clarification as to where the ferry would be travelling to.
"I know it will be owned among TT, Guyana and Barbados, but I don't know if the sailing is going to be just among those three or if they are going to sail into the OECS (Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States), if the plan is to sail to Grenada, St Vincent, St Lucia. "I heard it but there were no details."
He said the TTMA has been following the proposal since announced by Guyana President Dr Irfaan Ali.
"Then the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Dr Amery Browne) said the company had not been formed yet. Then the PM made an announcement that he has instructed the Minister of Works and Transport (Rohan Sinanan) to get the Galleons Passage ready.
"But to comment, we don't know where it is going to be going, and how often, and so on.
"It is very difficult for me to give commentary on it, except to say that if it would help inter-island connectivity, because there is still an issue as we have not quite filled the gap LIAT left us..." Roach said if the new ferry could help the movement of goods and passengers through the region it would be a welcome development.
"But we will need some details as to the route that this ship will be taking to make sure that it makes sense, given the other alternatives that are already available."
Newsday tried but was unable to contact Sinanan.
"TTMA hopes ferry will connect islands"