Moonilal: Court should thank me for talking about EMBD case

Dr Roodal Moonilal  -
Dr Roodal Moonilal -

OROPOUCHE East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal says the final decision by the three judges of Court of Appeal to disband themselves has "absolved" him of any improper conduct.

His statement came after Justices of Appeal Nolan Bereaux, Mark Mohammed and Maria Wilson chastised him and the Prime Minister for statements they made earlier in June, on the appeal before them which concerns the Estate Management Business Development Company's cartel claim against him and several contractors.

Wilson also recused herself because her brother, attorney Fulton Wilson, sat on the EMBD board from December 2015-January 2021 when the company filed its defence of the contractors claim for payment owed on several road building contracts and its own counter claim as well as the appeal.

In his statement, Moonilal said he expected the Judiciary to send him a letter "expressing gratitude" that he spoke in the public space to highlight Dr Rowley's "abominable statement which led to the collapse of this matter and effectively allowed a Justice of Appeal to learn what her brother was doing for five years."

"It is a victory for those of us who speak out without fear. It is a victory to those who confront power. As to what other steps can be taken, I will consult my lawyers on that matter."

He said the Prime Minister, by his statements on June 12, "was bent on getting a favourable ruling as part of his limp local government campaign."

"We were able to halt the dictator today. It remains oppressive that a matter must be heard a third time by the Court of Appeal. I call on Rowley to pay from his pocket for this travesty.

"He must pay all the lawyers of all defendants who must again present their case and participate in another hearing for the third time."


"Moonilal: Court should thank me for talking about EMBD case"

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