Deputy Chief Sec slams Morris 'contradictory' budget response

"Pick a struggle."
This was the advice given to Minority Leader Kelvon Morris by Deputy Chief Secretary and Secretary of Health, Wellness and Social Development Dr Faith BYisrael during her debate response to the THA’s $4.5 billion budget in the Assembly Legislature, Scarborough.
BYisrael, the electoral representative for Belle Garden/ Glamorgan said she remember sitting in the presentation of the package on Monday when every time the chief secretary, secretary of finance, trade and the economy almost mentioned the word audit, he was interrupted.
“Those on the other side quickly jumped to their feet and indicated that this audit was a part of some investigation and some court matter and therefore we should not be speaking about it. So you would join me in being amazingly surprised today when in the middle of the presentation, the minority leader screams -publish the audit. Maybe that part of the minority leader’s response was written like so many other parts, by somebody else and he simply read what was on the paper, not realising that he was contradicting himself just from a couple of days ago.”
In her presentation, she delved into the achievements of her division thanking the people of Tobago, her colleagues at the division and those in the Tobago Regional Health Authority (TRHA) as well as her colleagues within the executive council.
“I thank all the members of the Tobago House of Assembly who worked so hard to get us to this point to present and the secretary of finance can present such an uplifting or such budget that really is working towards ensuring that this island is sustainable, that this island is prosperous and that this island is resilient.”
Electoral representative for Buccoo/ Mt Pleasant Sonny Craig said the support of the people of Tobago is pivotal, noting that every time a civilisation has a mass of wealth, those who are opposite would always seek to divide to rule.
“The people of Tobago are too divided – building the greatest little island on the planet is going to take some work. Let us rub shoulders together, let us stand as one family as we go forward in building the greatest little island on the planet.’
Electoral representative for Bagatelle/ Bacolet Nathisha Charles-Pantin said that she continues to “work tirelessly to fix so many issues left by the previous administration who seem to want me to fix 21 years’ worth of issues in one and a half years.”
While electoral representative for Mt St George/ Goodwood Megan Morrison said looking ahead, the path is encouraging.
“We stand at the cusp of an exciting chapter, ready to continue the journey towards even greater achievements. Together we would continue to push the boundaries, fuel innovation and promote sustainable growth that aligns with our vision.”
"Deputy Chief Sec slams Morris ‘contradictory’ budget response"