UNC skips Senate on Nomination Day

Opposition Senator Wade Mark has said the UNC's Senate bench will be empty on Monday as party members carry out their duties in relation to nomination day for local government elections.
Speaking at a UNC media briefing on Sunday, Mark said, “It is the first time in living memory I recall that a government has chosen nomination day to call a sitting of our Parliament.
"It has never happened, as far as I am aware, in the past.”
Asked why UNC senators could not participate in the sitting, given that PNM senators are expected to be there, Mark said his party's members took their responsibilities seriously.
Mark also claimed there was “absolutely no consultation” by government before the sitting was called. He also cited Senate standing order nine, saying unless the sitting was in relation to something “extraordinary” it should take place on Tuesday from 1.30 pm.
Standing order 9 (1) says: "Except as otherwise provided in this Standing Order, the Senate shall meet on Tuesdays at 1.30 o’clock in the afternoon and unless previously adjourned, shall sit until 6.30 o’clock in the afternoon."
Standing order 9 (2) adds: "Notwithstanding any thing to the contrary in these standing orders, if at any time when the Senate stands adjourned pursuant to its own order the president is satisfied that there is urgent necessity for the Senate to meet upon a day earlier than the day to which the Senate stands adjourned, he may, subject to the provisions of paragraph (5) of this standing order, direct the clerk of the senate to summon a meeting of the Senate for such time on such day, as the President may determine."
Mark was joined at the briefing by MP for Pointe-a-Pierre David Lee, who said the UNC would present its local government candidates on Monday at the Naparima College Auditorium at 6 pm.
"UNC skips Senate on Nomination Day"