Rain in water taxi terminal

THE EDITOR: Dark gloomy clouds loomed overhead, it was raining cats and dogs on the streets of Port of Spain, and inside the water taxi terminal in Port of Spain on Wednesday afternoon.
When passengers thought they would see dry ground at the terminal, water was flowing like a fountain from the ceiling at the Port of Spain terminal. Mop buckets and garbage bins were placed to collect water from the portions of the ceiling which were leaking the heaviest. Caution tape was used to block off approximately 18 seats to avoid passengers being drenched from head to toe. Passengers who were seated got the occasional drops of water on their head and body as the entire roof appears faulty. Water glistened on the tiles as it flowed briskly through about half of the terminal. I use the water taxi daily and this is a usual occurrence every time it rains.
Can the honourable Minister of Works and Transport and the relevant authorities at Nidco look into addressing the issue of flooding inside the water taxi terminal? Please bear in mind, we are in the dry season and the roof at the terminal is basically ‘hanging by a thread’, just imagine what will happen when the rainy season officially arrives. Please have the roof repaired with a high degree of urgency as this is just a calamity waiting to happen. I thank you.
San Fernando
"Rain in water taxi terminal"