[UPDATED] Passengers kill Pleasantville 'PH' driver, steal car

Crime scene investigators at the scene of a murder - Photo by Jeff K. Mayers
Crime scene investigators at the scene of a murder - Photo by Jeff K. Mayers

Peter Andrews, the bereaved son of the 60-year-old private-for-hire driver who was shot dead and his car hijacked on Monday night in Pleasantville, said the killing was unwarranted, and called on youths to refrain from crime.

Andrews said, "I know things are hard right now. But do not kill innocent people for next to nothing. You would not be able to rest well."

Andrews referred to the two killers as "chemical children," saying his father, Anthony Andrews, was making an honest dollar when he died.

The dead man, of Freedom Street in Pleasantville, was the father of seven. He worked as a security guard and, after work, as a "PH" driver on the San Fernando-Pleasantville route.

"My father was a good person. He was making an honest dollar. He has been running taxi for the past year and a half. He was a well-known driver in the area.


"They killed him like a dog," Andrews said.

Reports are at around 7.20 pm on Monday, Anthony was driving his white Suzuki on Ibis Lane in Pleasantville with three male passengers – one in the front seat and two in the back.

The suspect in the front seat turned to the driver and announced a robbery.

The suspect in the back seat also announced a robbery and took an iPhone worth $7,000, as well as $3,000 and $1,000, from the other male passenger in the back.

The gunman in the back seat ordered the driver out of the car, and they struggled. The gunman shot Anthony, who fell to the ground and died. The killers returned to the car and drove off along Ibis Lane.

A district medical officer, Dr Bachan, pronounced Andrews dead and ordered the body removed.

Andrews said he got a call about the shooting and immediately went to the scene. Seeing his father’s body "like a dog on the road" was too much for him to bear.

He said his father was a churchgoer in the Spiritual Baptist faith and often played "love and church songs" in the car. He was also a boxer and loved to exercise.

Andrews said his father fondly referred to his car as "Babygirl" and had not yet paid off for it.


The family believes the killers might be from the area.

Both suspects appeared to be in their 20s.The police said the shooter was of African descent with a short hairstyle. He was wearing a black T-shirt, green three-quarter pants and slippers.

His accomplice was also of African descent but with a big Afro hairstyle. He was wearing a blue striped T-shirt, black three-quarter pants and slippers.

WPC Changoor and PC Roopchand of the Southern Division were among the first responders.

Acting Cpl Griffith and other police from the Homicide Bureau of Investigations (Region III) spoke with several people and gathered evidence.

The car was later found parked by the road in Pleasantville.

No one has been arrested and investigations are ongoing.

This story has been adjusted to include additional details. See original post below.

Two men posing as passengers killed a 60-year-old private-for-hire driver and hijacked his car in Pleasantville on Monday night.


Anthony Andrews, of Pleasantville, died at the scene.

The killers also robbed another male passenger, Joel Ramsden, of cash and a cell phone.

Reports are at around 7.20 pm on Monday, Andrews was driving his white Suzuki along Ibis Lane in Pleasantville with three male passengers – one in the front seat and two, including Ramsden, in the back.

The suspect in the front seat turned to the driver and announced a robbery.

The suspect in the back seat also announced a robbery and took Ramsden's iPhone, worth $7,000, as well as $3,000 and $1,000.

The gunman in the back seat ordered the driver out of the car, and they struggled. The gunman shot Andrews, who fell to the ground.

Both suspects returned to the car and drove off along Ibis Lane.

The shooter was of African descent with a short hairstyle. He was wearing a black T-shirt, green three-quarter pants and slippers.

His accomplice was also of African descent, but with a big Afro hairstyle. He was wearing a blue striped T-shirt, black three-quarter pants and slippers.


The police were called, and WPC Changoor and PC Roopchand of the Southern Division were among the first responders.

Acting Cpl Griffith and other police from the Homicide Bureau of Investigations (Region III) spoke with several people and gathered evidence.

A district medical officer, Dr Bachan, pronounced Andrews dead and ordered his body removed.

The car was later found parked on the roadside in Pleasantville.

Investigations are ongoing.


"[UPDATED] Passengers kill Pleasantville ‘PH’ driver, steal car"

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