Can the Panorama finals be relocated?
![Panorama finals at the Queen's Park Savannah. Photo by Roger Jacob](
THE EDITOR: Before asking the possibility of the Panorama finals being relocated to south or east Trinidad, consider where the Canboulay riots took place. Where the origins of the music itself evolved.
Read up the word "tradition" and understand what culture and tradition really mean. Plus, of course, as you are beating out your heart on your steel drum, the mountains in the Northern Range can be seen diligently listening.
Take stock of where the steelbands originated. Definitely consider where the majority of players of the leading bands live. How many of the followers of the main Port-of-Spain steelbands will want to travel long distances and cannot walk home?
The Queen's Park Savannah centre stage is where the steelpan lovers want the bands to perform. Thousands of citizens would want to walk home after the show. The before and after atmosphere that exists around each band is as important as breathing fresh air. It will not be the same as walking home after each show, regardless as how long it may take.
Like it or not, no other place in TT can imitate the beloved QPS, Port-of-Spain and environs.
Port-of-Spain is and will always be our capital city. Steelbands were born/formed and grew up right there in town.
This is not about needing a change in the Panorama venue. The exhilarating atmosphere cannot be replicated out there in eastern or southern Trinidad. There will be no home feeling. Pans can be transported on trucks but the steelpan love/feelings move inside the spectators. Very few spectators will want to desert the home grounds.
The Queen's Park Savannah itself cannot be relocated. Horse racing was moved to Arima and lived to tell the tale. It's a different kettle of fish for Panorama lovers.
We are real-live people, not horses.
Diego Martin
"Can the Panorama finals be relocated?"