Pan, soca at Savannah for National Junior Pan finals on Sunday

TRENDING soca artistes Viking Ding Dong, Mical Teja, Shal Marshall and Problem Child would add to the excitement at the National Junior Panorama finals at the Queens Park Savannah on Sunday.
Primary schools finalists will kick off the competition from 9 am, followed by the ten finalists in the Secondary Schools category. The Under 21 juniors will bring the competition to a close.
During the intermission, pan lovers will be treated to live performances by the soca artistes
First-time entrant into the Under 21 category, Fonclaire Juniors, are jubilant, having secured a spot in the finals.
Fonclaire’s managing director Darren Sheppard said words cannot describe how proud they are to move from their debut straight into the finals.
The band played Voice’s Out and Bad for the judges during the preliminary round of the competition on Monday, and amassed a total of 266 points.
Leading the pack was T&TEC Tropical Angel Harps Youth Steel Orchestra which scored 278 points with its rendition of Dexter “Blaxx” Stewart’s Mash Up.
BP Renegades Youth Steel Orchestra and Shell Invaders Youth Steel Orchestra, also playing Out and Bad, tied for second place with a score of 273.
Ten of 16 bands from the preliminary round have moved on to the finals.
Positions were drawn on Thursday, and First Citizens Supernovas Youth Steel Orchestra will play first. T&TEC Tropical Angel Harps will bring up the rear in position number ten.
Unlike previous years, there will be no free entrance for supporters or spectators into the stands. There will be a cover charge for entry into the competition. Tickets for Sunday’s event cost $50 for adults and $20 for children.
Tickets are on sale weekdays (Monday to Friday) from 9 am to 4.30 pm at Pan Trinbago’s treasury department, Grand Stand, Queen's Park Savannah (LINX payment available), or at its head office, 37 Victoria Square, Corner Duke and Melbourne Streets, Port of Spain.
1. First Citizens Supernovas Youth Steel Orchestra
2. HCC Alumknights Steel Orchestra
3. Foclaire Juniors
4. Trinidad All Stars Youth Steel Orchestra
5. BP Renegades Youth Steel Orchestra
6. Shell Invaders Youth Steel Orchestra
7. Hadco Phase 11 Pan Groove Junior Steel Orchestra
8. Pandemonium Youth Steel Orchestra
9. Panosonic Connection Steel Orchestra
10. T&TEC Tropical Angel Harps Youth Steel Orchestra.
"Pan, soca at Savannah for National Junior Pan finals on Sunday"