Labourer charged for November murder

A 49-year-old man without permanent residence has appeared before a Siparia magistrate charged with the November 2022 murder of Anthony Wilson.
Lawrence Dyer, a labourer who is also known as ‘Shaka’ was charged when he appeared before Magistrate Nizam Khan at the Siparia First Magistrates’ Court on Monday. Dyer’s matter was adjourned to February 15.
Dyer’s alleged 63-year-old victim of Forest Reserve Road, Fyzabad, was at his home on November 18, 2022, when he got into an argument with another man. During the altercation,Wilson was stabbed in the chest and died at the scene.
Investigations into the incident were supervised by Supt Sean Dhillpaul and Insps Jones and Hosein. It resulted in the arrest of a male suspect by officers of the Homicide Bureau of Investigations (HBI) Region Three, on January 12.
Dyer was charged by officers of the HBI Region Three, on January 13 after receiving advice from Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Joan Honore-Paul on that same date
"Labourer charged for November murder"