Padarath: Independent senators will 'bow' to government, vote for Kangaloo

PRINCES Town MP Barry Padarath thinks independent senators will "more than likely" vote for Senate president Christine Kangaloo as the next president of this country. He said that would be done "in a desperate effort to keep their seat in the Senate chamber."
Incumbent President Paula-Mae Weekes' term ends in March and the Electoral College is due to meet to elect her successor on January 20.
Government's nominee is Kangaloo while the Opposition has nominated criminal defence attorney Israel Khan, SC.
The Opposition has made it clear it does not support Kangaloo, with Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar saying Kangaloo has deep ties with the PNM.
In a press release, Padarath said he too believes Kangaloo cannot separate herself from the PNM, so the government should withdraw its nomination.
The release said Padarath "is concerned about the role independent senators will play at (the) meeting of the Electoral College, as senators who have been under the oversight of the Senate President for seven years are being asked to vote for her as president of the Republic, which will see repercussions should they not vote in a particular way."
He said this is "troubling and disturbing" for democracy.
While independent senators will feel threatened to vote for Kangaloo, Padarath said "government members oblivious to a failing society will trump and follow their leader's demand."
He believes both groups will act in their own interest and not that of TT.
"Is it because they cannot separate themselves from personal interest or is it because of their deep rooted connections albeit masked to the PNM? Or is it a case of both?"
He said the public should not be fooled into thinking "Kangaloo has departed from the gospel of the PNM."
"Padarath: Independent senators will ‘bow’ to government, vote for Kangaloo"