TUCO Tobago to focus on calypso tents

More emphasis will be placed on calypso tents for the 2023 Carnival, says Ainsley King, chairman, Tobago arm of the Trinbago Unified Calypsonians Organisation (TUCO).
King, who is also in charge of the national body, told Newsday on Wednesday that plans are under way for Tobago's Carnival celebrations. The national festival will officially be celebrated on February 20 and 21.
With Tobago hosting its inaugural carnival on October 28-20, 2022, many are wondering what the island's celebrations for the annual festival would look like.
Efforts to contact Secretary of Tourism Culture, Antiquities and Transportation Tashia Burris and Tobago Festivals Commission CEO John Arnold proved futile on Wednesday as calls to their cellphones went unanswered.
However, King said, “We are putting things together. So yes, something is definitely happening.
“We did the Calypso Monarch in October – we put it on a test run really so we wouldn’t have any monarch in (the national) Carnival. The intention is to have more tents and put more focus on the tents. The Afro Queen Show and Windward Calypso Monarch in Roxborough, we’re having that."
He said stakeholders met with officials from the Tobago House of Assembly a couple weeks ago and another meeting is carded for January 5.
“It’s a national carnival so it is the same mothers of all carnival. We have another meeting scheduled with the secretary and other officials from the Tobago Festival Commission.”
He added: “With TUCO being the recognised body for calypso, they would be having continued discussions.
Questioned about their budget, he said a budget has been submitted but details would be finalised at their next meeting.
"We would know what kind of finances we might get. Most times, they cut on the budget so adjustments would have to be made before any announcements are made.”
"TUCO Tobago to focus on calypso tents"