3 Port of Spain primary schools team up to stage Gloria! Gloria!

Three Port of Spain-based primary schools have teamed up to present their first-ever musical titled Gloria! Gloria! Christmas in Granny’s Magic House. Calling themselves the Port of Spain Dukes, the group comprises pupils of St Catherine’s Girls, Christus Rex (Richmond Street Boys) and Trinity Junior Anglican Schools.
The schools will host a joint fundraiser production on December 16 and 17 at the Lord Kitchener Auditorium, National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA), Port of Spain.
A media release said board member of one of the participating schools, Heather Mac Intosh Simon, has been working with the pupils, teachers and other members of the administrative team to ensure the production comes off without a hitch.
“We began rehearsing in September for the musical and the children have been giving it their all to make it happen,” she said in the release.
“Even the tutors are amazed at the progress they have made in all the disciplines – voice, acting, dance, pan, brass, percussion. The students are excelling at the performing arts while learning in a fun way about Trinidad and Tobago’s heritage and traditions.”
She described the musical as a fascinating story that reminds patrons about the importance of gratitude, trust, understanding, and community, all wrapped up in the magic of a real TT Christmas
Written by playwright and actor Reena Christian, Gloria! Gloria! recounts the magical adventures of a group of youngsters while they were "liming" at the home of the grandmother of one of the main characters. Christian draws thematically from the traditional festival of the Nine Lessons and Carols to create a riveting plot, heavily infused with local imagery and references that will take audiences on a transformative journey, the release said.
Apart from presenting a unique theatre showcase for the pupils’ talents, the production is a fundraiser for the three schools.
“We decided to come together under one banner as the Port of Spain Dukes because we recognised the potential strength in our unity,” said Mac Intosh Simon.
“Acquiring extra funding has long been a must to keep our institutions outfitted with the most effective tools and technology for a solid, all-round education. Our team of administrators continues to come up with innovative ideas towards achieving our goals – financial and otherwise – all for the benefit of our children, the next generation of leaders,” she said.
The audience can expect seasonal favourites performed by Port of Spain Dukes, including Oh Holy Night, Little Drummer Boy and Lord Relator’s Christmas is Yours, Christmas is Mine. From pan to parang, carols to calypso, the musical will highlight the children’s performing skills.
“The students are eager to perform on the ‘big’ stage at NAPA for their parents, guardians, friends and well-wishers, and we are convinced that they will put on a spectacular show,” Mac Intosh Simon said.
Auditions were open to all pupils of the three participating schools and the standard five pupils opted for providing stage management support for the production. The school administrators are using the opportunity to expose the older students to all aspects of technical theatre to equip them for success as future practitioners, while building their critical life skills, the release said.
Showtime is 7.30 pm. Tickets cost $200.
For more info: 299-8543, 625-1720, 623-7341, 625-1442 or e-mail theportofspaindukes@gmail.com
"3 Port of Spain primary schools team up to stage Gloria! Gloria!"