TSTT retirees dying as CWU fiddles

THE EDITOR: With persistence we can effectuate change, not for the whole world but our own little space.
The Communication Workers Union (CWU) cannot be accused of being visionary. It resisted the merger that produced TSTT in 1991, which resulted in a stronger national company generating greater income with significant increases in salaries for its unionised employees.
It failed to block retrenchment, not understanding that it is a stakeholder and not a shareholder, and it refused to negotiate for a unified pension plan even though there is no benefit to be derived from two plans.
Retirees are dying regularly, four having died in November, while some are still getting as little as $600 a month from a fund worth $3 billion with $900 million surplus.
Both TSTT and the CWU are locked in so our matter will not be resolved unless there is regime change, which is unlikely to happen before 2025.
Two pension plans did not block the merger and will not block divestment. Knowing our affinity for disinformation, it is now parroted that the Government wants our $900 million.
There is no legal precedent for liquidation of assets including surplus in an active plan so negotiation is the only available option. But having no skin in the game, the union will not settle.
Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2023 to all surviving retirees.
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"TSTT retirees dying as CWU fiddles"