Coming for bake and shark – but get rid of guns

 - Ayanna Kinsale
- Ayanna Kinsale

THE EDITOR: In 1988 I met and fell in love with a beautiful young Trini girl. We have now been married for almost 35 years.

I also had a love affair with Trinidad, the customs, the food, the scenery, and the wonderful friendly people.

One of the things I liked the most was the freedom. Yes, that is correct, I am from the USA but I also loved the freedom in TT. I am a white guy with blue eyes so I looked a little different than a lot of the population. But I have always been treated like a Trini when I am there.

One of the things I liked the best was walking anywhere and everywhere with no fear. And if I want to get some doubles and a beer at 9 am, I could do that also. If I wanted a rum and Coke at 10 am, no problem. No judgments.

Now on to 2022/2023. We will be in Trinidad for Christmas and Carnival. We are looking forward to our trip very much. But what about the crime? Will I still be able to walk anywhere and be safe? Yes, crime is a problem worldwide and especially in the States. But Trinidad is a small island and I think guns are the biggest problem, as with the USA also.


I have made it to 75 and I'd like to see a few more Carnivals. So let's all get rid of these life-threatening criminals and guns.

Save a bake and shark and a Carib for me and I'll see you all soon.


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"Coming for bake and shark – but get rid of guns"

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