Is Trinidad and Tobago going gun crazy?
THE EDITOR: Why would anybody need more than one gun for self-protection? Are we in the middle of a gun pandemic in TT? There is a spike in crime than can be encouraged by the ease of ability to get hold of both legal and illegal guns. But forget about the ease of obtaining illegal guns for a moment.
What do we know about being chosen to be allowed a Firearm Users Licence (FUL) for obtaining legal guns?
Is it that once you can claim to be free of mental affliction that you can apply for more than one firearm licence? How many guns do you need to protect yourself? Is to be assumed that one gun per person in each household will be the order of the day?
A family of 12 can apply for a dozen licences?
How come it is believed that some so-called “lucky” wealthy citizens have more guns than are in the average police station?
I am not a psychiatrist but you do not have to be mentally ill to want to resort to murder. You just have to be self-seeking, bad-minded, full of hate and desirous of making a profit out of being a gunslinger as a means of gainful employment.
Owning a plethora of guns can be good for your bank balance. At a reputed price of $45,000 for a high-powered AK47, you can already be or become a millionaire overnight. Guns are big business.
Ask yourself this: who are the winners and the losers of gun madness if the guns fall into the hands of children in any home, rich or poor?
The spike in crime is now being used as a political tool. Now that TT has crossed to over 510 murders for the year, can we best be described as a nation of gun-toting fools?
Image is everything, especially political image. How many guns do you need to own to be crowned political leader?
Diego Martin
"Is Trinidad and Tobago going gun crazy?"