Hinds, Jacob devoid of crime-fighting ideas

File photo: National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds.
File photo: National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds.

THE EDITOR: It will not be a man wearing a Superman cape, or a person thinking he’s Batman, or a man holding the Captain America shield who will guide this country out of its crime storm.

This was the gist of a statement made by acting Police Commissioner McDonald Jacob in August. The acting top cop is clearly – despite his best intentions – out of his depth when it comes to a plan or strategy to tackle the crime crisis. He is not the man for the job.

The administration appears unable to take decisive, serious and diligent action to arrest the crime situation, despite having seven years of governance experience under their belt. Citizens have nowhere to turn anymore.

It does not engender public confidence when your prime minister, who is also head of the National Security Council, appears to be missing in action when the murder rate is soaring.

I recall a time when Dr Rowley said crime and violence is a “public health emergency.” That was long before we hit the 500-murders mark. What is he saying now? In the four months since his statement, what have Rowley's Government and the police done to deal with this public health emergency?


Criminals who have paid attention to his statement and the resultant inaction of the security agencies have become more shameless and grisly in their activities and it has reached a stage now where lawlessness is blatant on our streets and in our homes and businesses.

Every citizen is affected by crime and both Minister Hinds and Commissioner Jacob seem to have no idea on what to do. Meanwhile, the citizenry, including children, continue to fall victim to criminals.

If he truly cares about the country and its citizens, Minister Hinds needs to be honest with himself, take responsibility for the state of our country and resign.

However, this is wishful thinking as it never ceases to amaze me the lengths politicians go to remain in power with little to no regard for the people who voted them in.

Please, Mr Hinds, have a heart and resign. Let's give someone else a chance to try and make a difference.


Port of Spain


"Hinds, Jacob devoid of crime-fighting ideas"

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