Credit Union Week celebrations started on Sunday

MOKO jumbies and a cultural show heralded the start of the Co-operative Credit Union League of TT's (CCULTT) Credit Union Week on Sunday at the East Mucurapo Secondary School in Port of Spain.
Representatives from over a dozen credit unions attended, including the Telephone Workers, Works, Police, Cathedral, Neal and Massy and Antilles credit unions. The theme of this year's event is: Empower your financial future with a credit union.
A media release on Friday said 1,500 people were expected to attend the opening and indeed there were hundreds gathered for what turned out to be a day of cultural activities. The opening was hosted by the northwest regional chapter of the CCULTT.
At the start of the event, prayers from representatives of the major religions were offered after national anthem and the credit union prayer.
CCULTT president Joseph Remy said, "It's been two years, but we at CCULTT are proud to bring to you our celebrations to herald credit union week. We are trailblazers. It is only in TT that we have celebrations like this.
"I spoke to people at the global level, at a board meeting of the world council, and they don't celebrate Credit Union Week the way we do. We are unique."
Of this year's theme, Remy said, "The work we have done over the years is able to provide a platform for that empowerment of the average citizen.
"I want to advise our line ministry that empowerment does not only reside in the CCULTT. We need an enabling environment for the operations of co-operative credit unions throughout the country.
"We want not just enhanced legislation, but we want to be seated at the table of policy decisions. We want to be in a place where we can influence how things happen because the values of this movement are critically important to curbing the moral decay which we face."
Technical adviser to the Minister of Youth Development and National Service, Anthony Garcia, brought greetings on behalf of the minister, Foster Cummings, saying, "The CCULTT has continuously placed emphasis on empowering one's financial future and supporting credit unions as an avenue to achieve this.
"Here in TT, credit unions have taken their place in society as people-centred financial institutions owned by its members."
Garcia said the ministry brought greetings at the start of Credit Union Week because it addresses three core areas, one of which is enterprise development.
"Enterprise development helps people establish, expand or improve their businesses. A credit union is a business model where individuals are members, owners and shareholders. Therefore, credit unions, through the Co-operative Development Division, fall under the purview of this ministry.
"It is important that youth have access to resources that will empower their financial future. The earlier they start to financially prepare for the future, the greater their flexibility in pursuing their goals and their dreams," Garcia said, adding that credit unions play a major role in providing such avenues to young people.
"Credit Union Week celebrations started on Sunday"