Hosein: PM must speak on Ramlogan/Ramdeen case

BARATARIA/San Juan MP Saddam Hosein reiterated the UNC's position that the Prime Minister must address the situation which led to the corruption case against former attorney general Anand Ramlogan and former opposition senator Gerald Ramdeen collapsing last week.
In a statement, Hosein referred to statements made by Dr Rowley at a PNM public meeting in Diego Martin about him as prime minister having no involvement in the prosecution of anyone in TT.
A purported agreement to indemnify Jamaica-born Vincent Nelson, KC, from civil and criminal prosecution in return for a notarised statement led to the case against Ramlogan and Ramdeen being dropped.
Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Roger Gaspard announced the discontinuation of the matter against Ramlogan and Ramdeen on Monday, but Armour said it is not over yet.
Attorney General Reginald Armour SC on October 10 said Nelson has not recanted any admission of wrongdoing he made in the criminal proceedings.
He promised to take the advice of eminent local and foreign senior and King's Counsel "to ensure that no stone is left unturned in the pursuit of justice for the people of TT."
Armour maintainted his position that the case had not collapsed when questioned about it by Hosein during a meeting of the House of Representatives' Standing Finance Committee on October 12.
Armour's predcessor, San Fernando West MP Faris Al-Rawi, on October 12 said since the related matters are still "under the watch" of the DPP, he cannot say publicly whether the Prime Minister or the Cabinet approved an indemnity agreement for Nelson, which he signed in 2017 when he was AG.
Hosein asked if this meant Al-Rawi was making secret deals with witnesses without Rowley's knowledge.
" PM Rowley must now tell this country when he became aware of the indemnity agreement between Mr. Al-Rawi and Mr. Nelson."
"Hosein: PM must speak on Ramlogan/Ramdeen case"