Caribbean Magazine poetry award ceremony online

 Winner of the Caribbean Magazine Plus Poetry contest, Raul Ignacio Irias. -
Winner of the Caribbean Magazine Plus Poetry contest, Raul Ignacio Irias. -

The Caribbean Magazine Plus Poetry Contest award ceremony will be held on October 8 at 11 am via Zoom on its Facebook Page.

Viewers will hear from all of the finalists from this year’s competition, a release from Arawak Media said.

The first-place winner, Raul Ignacio Irias, is from Nicaragua with his entry: Blue Fields.

Second was Gabrielle Hulse, from Belize with her entry: The Ship of Grief.

Gabrielle Hulse placed second in the Caribbean Magazine Plus Poetry contest. -

This year the evaluators, led by Juanita Coleman-Merritt, decided to have two third-place finishers, "because both were equally striking on their imagery and use of colloquial terms, the release said. The awards went to Elizabeth Best, from Barbados, with Where I am from; and Rosario Auguste of St Lucia, with Treacherous Skies.

Arawak Media said the quality of poets was "above par" and thanked them for "their passion and interest in furthering their skills and competing with other poets from around the region."

Dr Elizabeth Best was one of two third-placed awardees in the Caribbean Magazine Plus Poetry contest. -

The full award ceremony can be viewed live on Facebook @ Caribbean Magazine Plus on October 8 at 11 am or YouTube to see the replay,

For more info on this and upcoming events and contests, 1-242-425-7046 or e-mail:, Facebook @Caribbean Magazine Plus, Twitter @MagCarib and Instagram @caribmagpl


"Caribbean Magazine poetry award ceremony online"

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